Eating frogs, ghostwriting & juggling

“While most people my age were out mid-week drinking, I was glued to a computer screen arranging a flat plan and editing articles until 10pm.”

Jasmine Cook, Seven Storeys.jpg

Our Director, Jasmine Cook recently spoke with Balance The Grind about the early days of her career as a fresh-faced journo, where she found herself editing a top financial trade magazine by the age of 22, managing several writers and the end-to-end process of delivering a 120+ page monthly publication.

“The wide-eyed enthusiasm of youth and a lot of coffee saw me through.”

Multi-tasking might as well have been Jasmine’s middle name in that job, such was the juggle. It was an experience which proved to be an incredibly solid foundation for tackling the many challenges and balancing acts she’s needed to master since.

Jasmine candidly shares more on work life balance and the reality of running a multi-disciplined consultancy in the full interview here.


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